Posts tagged Spring Cleaning
How to Polish Silver

Fine dining silver isn’t as popular as it once was. Many people have silver platters, utensils, and bowls, mainly used as decoration pieces in a hutch or on a shelf. Whether it’s from a fire or just from everyday use or lack of use it can become tarnished over time. Here are some easy ways to polish those silver platters and other dining accessories quickly and affordably.

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Organize YOUR Home

With many people social distancing and sheltering in place, the past and coming weeks at home can get really boring really fast. Well here is a solution. Spring cleaning. Life at home gets busy and with schools closed and parents working from home, the home can get even crazier. If you have older kids, delegate everyday cleaning tasks for them to ease your burden and provide a sense of structure and order to the home. With a plan in place for your whole family, you can keep your home from becoming cluttered so it always feels fresh and enjoyable to live in.

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