The Ultrasonic Cleaning Method

“The Precision Cleaning Process”


The Revolutionary Cleaning Method for Items Affected by Fire and Mold Damage








The ultrasonic method uses high-frequency sound cavitation bubbles. Cavitation produces the power behind ultrasonic cleaning, uniformly “scrubbing” every surface of the object that we clean. This process makes cleaning fire and water damage fast and efficient, getting you back to your routine faster.


Ultrasonic Cleaning gets down inside blind holes OR intricate internal sections that might take longer or harder to reach by hand.


How does the Process Work?

We place articles like ceramics, metals, and plastics affected by soot, mold, or other bacteria in a basket and dip them in the tank for just a few minutes. The articles are then taken out, rinsed, dried, and repacked.


Restore Your Kitchen Items From a Fire and mold

Items such as ceramic bakers, priceless china, YETI thermos’, and your favorite mugs can either be hard to replace or even too expensive. Using the proven method, we can restore items that might take hours to clean by hand in a matter of minutes.

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We SAve you time and money

Ultrasonic cleaning saves time and money for both consumers and insurance companies to restore those priceless belongings.

clean family knick-knacks