The Cluttered House Culprits
Does Your Home:
Reduce stress
Create a calming environment
Invite conversation
Make it easy to maintain
Promote family values
In this time of quarantine I am sure you have had a lot of time to clean, organize, and purge some of your belongings. It’s no secret that this time at home has been filled with spring cleaning ideas and hacks to make life easier.
Unused CD’s and DVD’s
Time to Remove Unused Items
Life just gets busy. Homes become piles of homework, mail, and laundry. Some of the biggest culprits to a messy and cluttered home are sitting right in front of you in the things you never even use. Speaking of never using things. The rise of Netflix, Spotify, and On-Demand TV, have made DVD’s and CD’s a thing of the past. You might still have shelves full of DVD’s next to the TV and CD towers in your family room. Not that you have to get rid of them, but now is a perfect time to box them up into storage.
Remove Unused Duplicates From Your Home
Food Storage Containers
Another Culprit to the cluttered home are duplicates. You might be thinking why would I have duplicates of anything? Well chances are that you might even have 3 or 4 of certain items. Now is the perfect time to go through bedding and towels. If you have a family of 4 then you might have a bath towel in use for each person and one spare. With bedding make sure each sheet has a matching fitted sheet and also make sure that each bed has a set and perhaps 1 or 2 reserve sets total for the home.
Lastly, the culprit that can sometimes be the most frustrating is in the kitchen. Storage containers can take up a lot of space in cabinets and drawers. First, ask yourself which sizes do you use on a weekly basis and second, do they all have lids that are made for each one? The worst thing that can happen to you is putting leftovers into a container and not finding the correct size lid, having to transfer to another container and then washing the one you just emptied. We already talked about the junk drawer that is usually found in the kitchen, so for more ways on how to organize that, you can read it here. Next, we move on to the random appliances that you may have. Are they taking up valuable cabinet space for an item that you only use once a month or even once a year? Take stock in that and find ones you want to donate or place in the pantry or garage.
Homes should be a relaxing place to enjoy time with your family. School and the workplace can be stressful places during the day and having a clean, uncluttered space that sparks not only joy but conversation and an inviting presence.
For further reading on this Your can read The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker