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A Well Packed Moving Truck: Packing Table Lamps Well

What makes a well-packed moving truck well packed.  The trick is to pack items in stackable boxes or containers.  Think of packing as a Tetris game.  You know, that fun block stacking game from your childhood.  Tetris is a fun stacking exercise that can prepare you well for loading a moving truck.  No wasted space and everything fits nicely together.  

If you want everything to stack nicely the trick is to get things into as many boxes as you can and have few loose items.  Loose items mean things will break or get lost a lot easier.  Try making double boxes by using two of the same sized box on top of one another.  This is done by making the first box, taping the bottom, and then open the second box and place it over the other,  this can be good for extra tall items as you can even add a third and fourth box.  Just make sure the taller you make it, the more you tape the connecting pieces to secure it, and always be aware how you are picking it up to move.

Securely Pack Your Table Lamps in Boxes

If you want to try and keep box types to a minimum then you can use a medium box for most table lamps.  Home Depot has recently changed its medium box dimensions to be longer and they now fit most table lamps perfectly.  Sometimes even with the shade as well.  If the shade doesn’t fit it’s sometimes easier to place two bases in one box and stack two sades in another.  

Disassemble the Lamp. 

The lamp should be about 5 pieces.  The base, the shade, the harp, the finial, and the bulb.  A good rule is to wrap and bag the final in a ziplock bag and tape it to a flap so you don’t lose it in the packing material of the larger items.  Once you break each piece down they can easily be condensed into the space of the box and have plenty of room for packing material to prevent damage.  Now, if you have 5-10 table lamps in your house they can now all stack on top of each other, saving room and preventing damage.  For larger table lamps, it might be a good idea to either use the above strategy of combining boxes together or breaking up the shades with the bases. 

Taking the time to properly pack a room and home can make all the difference when it comes to preventing damage and unpacking at your new house.  It may sound like a lot of added work to your already crazy time of moving but it will save you in the long run.