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3 Things You Can Do To Cook Safely During Your Summer Parties

We all love to eat.  I mean come on who doesn't love a tasty hamburger fresh off the grill or a freshly marinated prime rib off the grill.  We may not all love to cook, but we sure love to eat.  It is because of this that the kitchen in most homes is the center of activity.  We love open concepts so that we can entertain from the living room to the kitchen.  We love entertaining and hosting parties. In fact it’s the holidays some of the biggest entertaining events are Halloween, the 16th birthday, and the 1st birthday.  This is not to mention that we love having friends and family over every weekend (pre 2020) and just hanging out especially when the weather is nice.  

As you prepare for opening up your home this summer and allowing more guests into your home it’s important to remember these key safety measures when cooking, especially for large gatherings.  

Never leave the stove unattended

This may seem obvious, but the more people you have in your home the more distractions arise, not to mention getting sucked into your phone or what's playing on TV.  If you need to leave the room, turn off the burner or get someone to watch it for you.  Another rule of thumb is to set a timer for things in the oven so that you don’t suddenly start smelling those burned baked potatoes. That’s no fun.  Finally, if you are hosting that 1st birthday party there might be a lot of young kids running around.  Always, and i mean always have the pot and pan handles away from the edge so no curious kid will decide to grab it and burn themselves.  

“Always, and i mean always have the pot and pan handles away from the edge so no curious kid will decide to grab it.”

Wait for Things to Cool

After your finished cooking your pans are still very hot.  Now of course you're thinking that's a no brainer, but filling pots with water into the sink right away can cause a lot of steam and could possibly make the smoke alarm go off.  Loud noises in an already busy house is no fun, especially if there are young kids that might get scared.  Another rule is if you have a flat top stove it's easy to forget that it is hot.  It’s easy to miss that little red light on the stove and you might place something on top like a towel or a food box.  Yes we all like to clean up quickly afterward, but when in doubt, wait for things to cool before you wash them or wipe down the stove.  Your hands will thank you.  

“When in doubt, wait for things to cool before you wash them or wipe down the stove.  Your hands will thank you.”

Give the BBQ Some Space

The weather is finally starting to get warm and this is the perfect time to pull out the BBQ and grill.  Not only does the BBG make delicious food, but it also enables you to keep your house cool by not running the oven.  The BBQ is also nice because it keeps the cook away from the distractions of the party, if it’s inside, and concentrates on the food.  One thing to remember though is the BBQ can still get really hot and you should always pull it away from the house and give it space to vent.  The last thing you want is melted or burned siding that you will have to replace down the road.  

“You should always pull it away from the house and give it space to vent.” 

As the weather gets warmer and you get more comfortable inviting guests into your home it's important to remember the keys to safe cooking.  Don’t leave stoves unattended, keep young kids away from burners, don’t get distracted, and when barbequing, always keep it away from the house.  Accidents happen, but we can always be prepared and follow safety guidelines.  Have a great summer and stay safe.