4 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Kalispell House Organized
Reduce Paperwork by dealing with it quickly
Make Your Bed, Minimize Wall Art, Use Nature Light
We all love a clean home, but will it stay clean? Maintaining a clean home and not letting it get out of hand takes time and effort. There is a reason it’s called housework. If you want clean dishes to eat off of you have to wash them and if you want a nice-looking yard you have to mow the grass every once in a while. Forming daily and weekly habits are the key to maintaining a clean home. While forming these habits it is important to have systems in place that will make your life and cleaning routine easier. That’s where organizing comes into play. Having an organized home will make cleaning easier and more efficient letting you get back to enjoying your home and your family. Here are four tips you can implement to help you keep a clean and organized home.
Reduce Paper Clutter
This one is easy but also harder to distinguish. Clutter happens when small things add up over time, like mail and paperwork. It is important to go through your mail as you bring it into the home and either file it away to be dealt with later or dispose of them. When it comes to bills think about what you can do paperless to avoid excess mail coming into your home. When it comes to magazines, think about if you’re reading them or whether they are just ending up stacked next to the toilet in the bathroom, yes we all like to have reading material in there, but enough is enough. Keeping counters and tables clear is the first rule of reducing clutter, but having an organized filing system and managing your mail subscriptions is the root of the problem. Find a way to deal with mail and paperwork that fits your life.
Make Beds Daily
Making your bed daily is probably the easiest thing you can do to reduce clutter. A well-made bed just looks clean and fresh. Fun fact, 82% of bed makers believe that completing a small task early in the day, like making the bed, helps them feel more productive at work and throughout the day. So instead of rolling out of bed and starting work if you work from home, take time to make your bed and start your day with a productive task. If there is anything that you can do to make the house look less cluttered that takes the least amount of time and cost the least amount of money this is it.
Lose the Gallery Wall
Lose the Gallery Wall for a more open and clean look
The gallery wall used to be a staple of the home. It’s where you display your family photos and show off your family vacations. Taking the time to design and lay out different sized frames and art pieces was a skill that flooded websites like Pinterest for years. Although there are situations and times that a gallery wall can look clean and fresh, they can also make your home looked cramped and cluttered. Another solution is to look for larger pieces to hang in your living spaces. One of the most common ways to use artwork is to create a focal point in the room. Places like above the fireplace, sofa, and the dining tables. Having fewer things will do wonders in making your home feel larger and less cluttered, especially if you have a small house. Combine more open wall space with natural light and warm paint colors and you will have a home you can enjoy for years to come.
Lose Some Furniture
Your furniture takes up the most space in your home. Knowing the size of your space before you buy is key. Don’t buy furniture that looks bulky if you have a small space. Remember not all furniture is meant for every space. Just like in construction, it’s important to measure twice and buy once. Returning furniture is much more of a hassle than everyday clothing items are. Even if you buy the right-sized furniture things can still look cluttered, but why? Well, you might have too much. Small pieces like end tables, shelves, and dressers can all add up and just be in the way, they might serve a purpose or they might be able to be combined with other furniture to further reduce your clutter. So next time you see that cool piece of furniture in the store, ask yourself where will it go in my house and what will it function will it serve?
Your house is an investment and you want to make it a home that you can enjoy and where you can raise your family. You shouldn’t feel trapped in your own home. Now if this feels like a minimalism article it’s not. You don’t have to embrace a full-on minimalist lifestyle, but there are things you can take away from the minimalists that can help keep not only your home but your life organized and less chaotic.