5 Unconventional Items That You Can Revolutionize your Kalispell Pantry

pantry organizing

Well we made it to the new year.  I don’t have to say it.  We all know it.  But yeah, “2020.”  What a year to be alive and we can all step back and be thankful for the lives we have.  Like with all new years many people want a fresh start.  A new you or a new space.  Many people set very lofty goals each year and by month two we are all off the wagon, or maybe we broke the wagon.  

Well if organizing your home is a priority then look no further.  And if scale and cost are an obstacle then have no fear.  There are many ways to revolutionize your home and your pantry closet in particular using five low budget items, many of which you may have lying around your house.  Each item, or group of items is under $20 per tip if buying new from stores like Wal-Mart or Amazon.  But some things you can find second hand for even cheaper.  

Shoe Rack for Paper Towels

5 items for your pantry

Like most people you may be buying your paper towels in bulk from discount retailers like Costco.  But like you may already know, Costco packaging takes up a lot of room, doesn’t look great, and is not as convenient.  Enter the shoe rack, This little item can be found most places and can let you slide each paper towel roll into  each section for easy grab and go.  If your pantry has wired shelving you can just hang it from one of the shelves super easily.  Buying the single shoe versions can be as little as $10.  

File Holder for Extra Cleaning Rags

Most households keep their cleaning supplies under the sink, but maybe you keep yours on a pantry shelf.  Keeping your spray bottles and your rags close by can be convenient, but how do you do that in an organized fashion without just throwing them into a bucket.  One option is to use a vertical file holder from your local office supply store.  Just roll up each washcloth and stack them into each section, you can even separate microfiber from regular cloth ones too.  

Curtain Rod for Trash Bags

Those large hefty trash bags.  The boxes usually have a nice opening on the top for easy access, but we can do better than that.  Pick up some curtain wall brackets and a small pipe or curtain rod.  You can then hang your trash bags from the side of your pantry and easily see how much of the roll is left at a glance.  

Magazine Files for Loose Water Bottles

How many plastic or metal water bottles does your family have?  Where do you store them?  How to keep each member  of the household separate from one another, especially in the age of health conscience people.  Pickup some magazine file holders, IKEA and Amazon sell them in bulk, flip them on their side and you can now stack 2-3 water bottles in each one.  If you end up getting color coordinating ones then you can easily separate your kid’s water bottles.  

Binder Clips To Hang Opened Bags of Chips

Who doesn’t like stale chips?  Once you open a bag of chips, crackers, or cereal it's hard to store them.  You have to use a chip clip.  Having multiple opened bags of chips open at the same time can make your pantry shelves look cluttered and unorganized.  Let's solve that by using binder clips.  These can be bought in varying sizes and can keep those bags closed and then be able to be hung along the sides of the pantry or even from the wire shelves themselves.  

I understand every pantry is of a different size and shape.  Take what you can, adapt and stay motivated this new year to get and stay organized, especially in areas you use every day like the pantry.   

Just like that we removed large trash bag boxes and opened bags off the shelves and onto the wall, kept your cleaning bottles and rags together, and made it easier to grab a new paper towel roll from the pantry.  Five things to make your life easier and your pantry looking amazing.  All for under $20 each.  

Learn more packing and folding hacks here

Joshua Heath