Don’t be overwhelmed After Your Kalispell Kitchen Flood.
A kitchen is the heartbeat of the home. It’s where you cook and eat meals, come home and tell your family about your day, and unfortunately the place where a lot of water damage can occur. Water can leak from a variety of places in your kitchen from dishwashers, refrigerators, and sinks.
When water does flood your kitchen floor it can mean tearing out floors and cabinets. Leaving you to be without your gourmet kitchen for sometimes up to a week or longer. If that isn’t hard enough, you still have to pack up your cabinets so that they can be removed as well. All those cabinets that may be packed full nicely organized the way you like them.
That's where the right packing and moving company can handle all those needs for you. Taking a detailed overview photo of what’s on the counter is the first step. This is a good rule to follow so you know exactly how you had everything from what may have been on the walls to what small appliances were on the counter. It’s also a good rule to label the drawers and cabinets in a systematic way so that you can easily put things away after it’s all said and done. A pro tip is using your camera phone to take a photo and, if you have an iPhone, use the markup feature to write or draw which drawers and cabinets are what.
*Pro Tip
using your camera phone to take a photo and, if you have an iPhone, use the markup feature to write or draw which drawers and cabinets are what.
As a professional packout company we use a service called Encircle, and it enables us to take a photo of each box we pack and provide a text note that includes the drawer or cabinet that it came out of as well as a description, box number, and box size. If we search for “dinner plate” or “coffee maker” we can easily see that it was in cabinet 1, placed in box 4, and that it is in a small box. The inventory makes it super easy to find things within the app and via a PDF document that shows every box. If there is something you want to get rid of when it returns, you don’t have to open every box. Just leave it in the box and store it or donate it.
If you have a kitchen flood let the professionals pack up your kitchen and then put it back the way you had it. You have already been through a lot and you can be assured that everything will be just like new when it's all over.
Mark up a photo on any photo on an iPhone.