How to Clean Foggy Glasses?  


We have all been there.  We buy nice glasses and they quickly become foggy after using.  Since you're having a dinner party this weekend, and all your friends are coming over, you don’t want to set the table with foggy classes.  What are you to do?  Well you could buy new ones or you could wash them again.  Buying new ones is off the table so let's start by cleaning them.

All You Need

  • White Vinegar 

  • Water

  • Baking Soda (if needed for tough to clean film)

All you need is a little bit of white vinegar and water.  Just soak the glasses in equal parts water and vinegar either in the sink or a bucket.  Let them soak for about 30 minutes, maybe longer if they're bad, and then wipe with a soft cloth.    

Important tips to keep them clean.  Cause who wants to do this all the time.  Cloudy glasses are usually caused by hard water, but also could be the detergent.  Hand washing is always better to keep your glasses looking clean and always put them away completely dry.  It is worth a try to try a less abrasive detergent and preferably one without phosphates, which can cause a film to develop on glasses.  

So if you don’t want to deep clean your glasses every day or every week, check your detergent, use or dont use a rinse aid, and perhaps even hand wash them as regular dish soaps tend to be less aggressive.  

Joshua Heath