More Effective Pack-Outs After Your Kalispell Fire

Fire and water disasters can happen at any time. Whether you are a homeowner or business owner having a plan on how to tackle the problem will help you moving forward.

Call the right team.

One plan is to call the right team to help you through the claim. A team that has the right tools in place can make a world of difference for both you and your insurance adjuster.

Use the Right Tools

At Northwest Contents, we use a tool called Encircle. Encircle is a home inventory platform that speeds up a pack out process from a fire or a water loss. Every piece of content in the home is photographed and placed in the designated room that it came out of. After taking each photo, we can then designate whether it is affected, unaffected, or non restorable. We can also give it a description and assign a box number, box size, or leave it as unboxed.

Easy to find things quickly later on.

This comes in really handy after the pack-out process is done. If the homeowner is displaced for a few months during the rebuild and needs an item we can easily use the search feature and find out which room and box it came out of, locate in the warehouse and get it cleaned and returned faster.

One of the more tedious things about a large loss is putting together a pricing list for non restorable items. Since we labeled things as non restorable in the app, we can now filter by that field and generate a list for the homeowner and adjuster. Using the built in pricing tool we can quickly find prices for each item as well.

Leads to faster rebuild times.

All of this is done in real time and can be done as it syncs even while a team is in the field, some at the office can see each item being recorded. The faster we can pack-out, the fast the demolition and rebuild can happen for the homeowner, leading to putting the disaster behind them.

Joshua Heath