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5 Things to do this Winter in Kalispell and Whitefish

Winter is a three month season that holds both the coldest days and the shortest days.  The population is usually split on what season is better.  The long and  sunny days of summer or the dark and cold days of winter.  Summer is known more for vacations and family activities and winter is for staying inside, staying warm, and spending time with family especially during Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays.  

Here in Montana the winter weather can be a lot more extreme than other parts of the country.  It's colder and darker for longer.  

Go Skiing 

Well, it doesn’t have to be all gloomy for the entire three months.  Luckily, Whitefish, Montana is home to the third ranked ski area in North America by Ski Magazine.   So if you love to ski then you're in luck and winter is amazing.  Big Mountain is a gorgeous ski area with views of the Flathead valley as you ski or snowboard.  

Build a Snowman

If skiing isn’t your thing or maybe you are on a budget don’t fret.  The Flathead valley usually gets lots of snow.  Snow means snowman building and snowball fights.  Kalisell averages over 56 inches of snow each year.  So if you're on a budget, go outside in your own yard and challenge your kids or friends to a snowball fight.  

Visit a Coffee Shop

After hours of playing in the snow it’s time to warm up.  It gets pretty cold here in the winter.  The winter weather stays under 40 degrees from a majority of the season dropping to lows below freezing for long stretches.  Whatever town you're in in the Flathead valley you are not far from a coffee shop.   There are many great coffee shops that serve some of the best hot drinks and pastries in the valley.   Some of the two highest rated shops are Sable Coffee in Kalispell and Wild Coffee in Whitefish.  Both of these shops have ample space to sit by the fire or around a table and catch up with friends.  Before this pandemic Wild Coffee had a cool kids play area inside so that is something for the whole family. 

Walk Down the Streets of Whitefish

Now that you're warmed back up it's time to walk back outside and down the streets of Whitefish.  A ski town just to the north of Kalispell, home to the Big Mountain Ski area mentioned above.  Always decorated for the holidays with lights and wreaths draped down main street it's a perfect way to end a day whether you went skiing, shopped at the local stores, or had a snowball fight.  

Go Ice Skating

Last but not least. We now return to Kalispell to ice skate in Woodland Park.  Whether you want the security of an ice rink or want the experience of skating on the pond, Woodland Park has both. Local ice rinks are fun for the whole family and gives you another way to be active in the cold winter months.  

So you might be thinking,  Winter is long and cold.  Get creative and go explore all that the Flathead Valley has to offer.  Wax up those skies, show those kids that you still have it in a snowball fight, try out some new coffee and local shops, and lace up those skates.  Enjoy the winter while it's here and we will see you around town.